
1. Learning goals

For you:

  • purpose and feel of tools;
  • basic command line;
  • 80% of way to a complete analysis;

For me:

  • two day workshops, with Amazon...
  • Davis! Do things work differently in sunny California?

2. Safe space and code of conduct

This is intended to be a safe place for learning! Please ask questions, because I guarantee you that your question will help others!

Please see the Software Carpentry workshop Code of Conduct: http://software-carpentry.org/conduct.html

3. Instructor introductions

4. Amazon and cloud computing - why?!

5. Sticky notes and how they work... + Minute Cards

6. Warning:

The bit that isn’t going to work is at the beginning. This is unavoidable. To reward you, we have a coffee break at 10:15am...

LICENSE: This documentation and all textual/graphic site content is licensed under the Creative Commons - 0 License (CC0) -- fork @ github. Presentations (PPT/PDF) and PDFs are the property of their respective owners and are under the terms indicated within the presentation.